
Annual Report 2020

June 28, 2021
March 13, 2024
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We have just published our 2020 Annual Report here. Read a co-message from our Chairwoman and CEO, see our impact in 2020 and since inception, and read interesting interviews with some of our partner financial institutions.

In 2020, SCBF committed the highest number of grants annually (30) since inception, totalling CHF 17.3 million. This was made possible with additional funding (CHF 780’000) from Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) divisions Latin America & Caribbean (ALAK), Global Programme Food Security (GPFS) and Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA). SCBF co-funded a variety of innovative projects with a strong focus on supporting fintechs and insurtechs; such as scaling up last mile supply chain merchants with affordable float financing in Kenya, the first revenue accretive agent loan product in Africa (launched in Tanzania), access to affordable working capital for smallholder farmers in Indonesia, health and accident insurance with e-health value added services in Nepal, microloans for solar home systems and productive use appliances in Zambia, and scaling up weather index crop insurance in Colombia and Zimbabwe.

We are enthusiastic about the opportunities the future presents and look forward to the exciting work we have set out for ourselves.

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Our partnerships foster economic empowerment for low-income populations

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